Sunday, May 10, 2009

A bad day

Today has been a really difficult day. On top of it being Mother's dad got rid of the dogs (Basset Hound & Irish Setter) today. My mom loved her dogs like they were her own kids. My dad tolorated them. They are alot to handle and he didn't want to keep them. I don't have a fenced in yard or else I would have taken them. My sis-n-law knows someone who knows someone who runs a foundation that places animals whos owners have passed away, etc. I guess potential new owners have to apply and pass a screening before getting an animal. The couple who took both Penny & Baxter already have a Basset Hound and two cats. They promised to send me pictures. My heart was breaking having to say goodbye to them. My mom loved them so much. I hope they are ok.

My friend Sabrina has been here alot this week. She spent the afternoon with me and we went to the cemetery. My friend Cindi brought me a beautiful orange Gerbera Daisy to plant today in honor of my mom. My friend Lisa is walking part of the Relay For Life in honor of my mom on Saturday. My other friends Rachelle & Jim are sponsoring a Basset Hound through a Basset Rescue for one year in honor of my mom. Another friend made a donation to a local animal shelter in her name. The love and support from everyone is just amazing. It just shows how loved my mom was.

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